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Private Secretaries

Your private secretary always has an overview of your well-filled appointment calendar and your extensive correspondence and enables a smooth transition, perhaps even the desired merging of work and private life.

Private secretaries require extremely flexible organizational skills, are reliable, committed and proactive. You have to be experienced with new media and devices and usually have a command of several foreign languages, both written and spoken.

System Straub will be happy to put you in touch with your private secretary, who will organize your life perfectly.

How may we help you?

For more than 25 years, System Straub has been the agency for advice, placement and management of domestic staff.

As the leading recruitment agency for domestic staff in Germany, we are happy to find the right personnel for you. Finding excellent staff is difficult. Because we know this and are committed to providing you with the highest level of satisfaction, we work until you are happy. Many hundreds of customers have already placed their trust in System Straub. Numerous media have reported favourably on System Straub, including Stern and FOCUS. Please feel free to contact us.

The duties of a private secretary

A private secretary relieves the client. She welcomes visitors, takes phone calls, checks e-mails and decides on their importance for the client. In this respect, private secretaries have to continuously optimize this protection and filter function in close cooperation with the client so that he has his back free. The better a private secretary understands this, the greater the benefit.

Organizational talent is always in demand among secretaries. Whether it's about planning and booking a trip with tickets, hotels and supporting program, whether it reminds you of important dates or prepares them? a private secretary must always see herself as a service provider for the client.

They are responsible for the management of work materials, for processing payments, for collecting and preparing receipts and for carrying out billing.

As a core competence, dealing with office software is a matter of course. Familiarization with specific special programs is one of the activities of a private secretary. It should be possible to formulate company letters or e-mails correctly based on a few key words spoken by the client.

With contact with foreign companies or business partners becoming more and more frequent, knowledge of foreign languages and an understanding of other cultural backgrounds are becoming increasingly important for the private secretary. Communication skills, a well-groomed appearance and correct manners are extremely important when dealing with the contact person, since a private secretary is often the first contact person and thus a kind of calling card for the client. That is why she is expected to have detailed knowledge of the client and his fields of activity.

A good private secretary sees herself as her client's right-hand man and on the one hand knows how to have his back free, but also knows how to pass on important, urgent things or telephone calls promptly and in good time.

What are the advantages of a private secretary?

Because work and business don't end at the office door, the services of a private secretary are increasingly in demand. He takes phone calls, sorts mail and e-mails, plans trips or meetings and controls budgets. Private secretaries collect and organize receipts, process invoices and, with their talent for organization, ensure that the client regains a little more freedom. Clients have the option of delegating tedious tasks or tasks that cannot be performed in the tight time frame.

What skills does a private secretary have to have?

In the background, a private secretary organizes all office tasks that affect the client's business activities ? regardless of whether they are wealthy private individuals, freelancers, higher earners or scientists. In addition to commercial training in the areas of office/secretariat or office communication, empathy and a quick grasp are important. The added value of a private secretary for the client is when she relieves him of tiresome tasks and agrees with him in prioritizing important and unimportant inquiries.

Furthermore, a private secretary should be able to do all office work quickly and reliably with solid software knowledge. The working hours can be irregular, if necessary, telephone on-call services must also be provided.

System Straub is pleased to make you an offer for the employment of a private secretary. Feel free to contact us.

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